Payware CAS Piper J-3 Cub is needed.

This repaint shows Piper L-4J Grasshopper SE-BMC of Mikael Carlson, a famous airshow pilot of historic aircraft. Was built as a Piper L-4J in 1944 with c/n 12847. To United States Army Air Force (USAAF) as 44-80551. Ex. HB-OAB, OE-ABO and LX-ABO. Came to Denmark in 1976 with OY-ALP and later to Scandinavian Historic Flight with new LN-KLT. Mikael Carlson bought it 2004 and used it on airshows in whole Europe.

Aircraft is wearing famous X-59 markings. It was one of four L-4s that flew into the city center on Paris Liberation Day on August 18, 1944. They landed on the Avenue de la Grande Armée near the Arc de Triomphe. Shortly before, they had come under fire from snipers.


Unzip and move it to your MSFS Community folder. Enjoy!


This repaint is freeware; you may use and modify it as you wish for your own use. It may not be used or sold for commercial purposes, nor published on any website that charges for downloading either directly or through a membership fee. If you want to publish repaints based on it, you need written permission from the author.

Thomas Roehl
July 2024

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